Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 2

Well, so far the radiation and chemo is going well. Cyrus is still able to do his normal routine each day...he is currently trying to finish up a job that was started before he had the first seizure. With the help of his friend Chris, they should have the job finished this week! So far, there has been no nausea or anything else we can see. The "aura's" have picked up in frequency, however, and this is a prayer request: Please pray for the aura's to slow down, and even stop!

For those of you who don't know, an aura is a precursor to a seizure. Because Cyrus is on anti-seizure medications though, the aura's usually just fizzle out quickly. But last week after one of his radiation treatments, he had quite a strong aura...the strongest since the second surgery. The oncologist said that radiation could cause seizures, as the treatment usually causes swelling, increasing inter-cranial pressure...which can cause seizures. So, please pray. :)

We have people who are picking Cyrus up each day and taking him to his appointments...this is such a huge blessing! Jackson will be starting preschool next week, so this frees me up to be able to take him and pick him up each day.

Also, we have some good news! Two very close friends/family members are moving back to Boise in Sept. We are so blessed to know that they both wish to come alongside of us to help in any and all ways the Lord leads. Please pray for their moving details to be smooth and for quick settling in to Boise.

Prayer Requests for this week:

That the Lord would continue to hold each of us close to Him.
That Cyrus would be able to finish up the job he's working on this week.
That the Lord would continue to hold back the side-effects from the treatment.
That I would be able to make all needed preparations for Jackson to start preschool next week.
That our friends and family who are moving  here would be blessed by the Lord's hand.
That the Lord would pour out His Spirit and blessings upon all of you who are serving us!
That God would heal Cyrus.

1 comment:

  1. Jonie and Cyrus. Mark and I are praying for you in London. So thankful that you guys are fighting the good fight of faith through this all and so encouraged at the display of love you are receiving from the body of Christ. What a testimony of God's love and care. We are possibly visiting in November and would love to come and see you all to catch up and pray. Love to you from us.
    Heart ~
    Lizzie & Markus
