I was encouraged to attend this Dr. appointment with Cyrus by a good friend...I really didn't want to go...cause the last time I'd been to the Dr. with Cyrus, was the beginning of a fierce battle with anxiety, depression and physical sickness that resulted from those things. I was hiding. That morning the Lord spoke to my heart...and the tears began to flow. He spoke through His word in a song: "The word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. By the word of the Lord were the heaven's made. He spoke and it came to be, the Word of the Lord will stand forever." In hearing this, I knew the results of the MRI...no cancer...He is healed. I had peace, confidence that it would be so.
You see, months ago the Lord pressed upon my heart, to pray for Him to "speak" the command to the cancer in Cyrus's brain...to go no further and to die, to obey the "word" and command of the Lord...just as all creation did and does. He reminded me that He commanded the water of the ocean to come no further than the sand on the seashore. The water obeyed Him. That He commanded all things to be created, and by the word of His mouth, it came to be. So, when I heard those words in a song...I knew that He had done what I had asked.
As we left the Dr.'s office, I felt a "tap on my shoulder" (not literally)....and the gentle revelation of the Spirit to my heart...showing me the work He has been doing in my life over the last several months. "Remember?" He asked. I did...I remembered how weak, trembling, sick and anxiety-ridden I was the last time I had set foot in that Dr.'s office. I remembered the darkness that followed. And then He asked, "See what I've done through your suffering?" I saw it. A night and day change deep as the depths of my soul. Praise God! He loves us so much that He allows the pains of this life to cripple us, and kill off the parts of us that do not glorify Him. He does a new work. "Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:6
Cyrus is doing well. Currently he is still on the anti-seizure medications...until the aura's cease completely. He will visit the oncologist every 3 months for a new MRI and blood work. He is currently working very hard, selling insurance, and doing a great job at it! Please pray for him as he continues to press forward in this new field of work. It will be a few years before it begins to pay him for the work his is now putting in. We will keep you updated...Thank you for all your prayers and your standing by us in this. We love you all.
Praise Report:
• Our friend and sister in the Lord, Brenda, whom we asked you to pray for, is doing very well after her last treatment for lymphoma. Please keep them in your prayers as they get ready for another PET scan.
• Our friend and sister, Stephanie, who has been undergoing treatments and surgery for breast cancer, is now cancer free! Thank you for all your prayers...please continue to give glory to God in this!
Prayer Requests:
• My precious Aunt who is having a lump on her neck examined and biopsied this week. Peace in her heart and strength in her body.
• A very dear friend who has recently found out that she has a growth in her brain.
• That the Lord would protect and preserve Cyrus's liver and kidney's as his body filters the very strong medications he is still taking.
• Continued healing in Cyrus's brain.
• Financial provision for us as we recover from and adjust to all the changes that have come over the last year.